We're pleased to announce two new services now available just in time for the holiday season.
Special attention for your pet at your home. Ideal if you have to be absent for long periods of time or for senior pets or pets that are not comfortable staying away from home or boarding. This new service is available from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm seven days a week and each visit lasts 30 minutes. It consists of a visit from one of our staff members to your house to check on your pet. During the visit your pets are taken to the back yard to relieve themselves and for some play time or for a short walk around the neighborhood. Cats are not allowed out. Food and medication are given as per your instructions in the morning or in the evening sessions. There’s a limit of 4 pets for this service.


This service is available from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Monday – Saturday. Every day or the days you choose. One of our staff members will pick up your pet at your home and take it for a walk to the Neighborhood Park or open area or for a walk around the neighborhood. The walk lasts 30 minutes during each visit.
Both services are priced per pet.
Every staff member performing these services has been reviewed and approved by the Shugrem Team. They have also completed a general background check.
Your pet’s safety is our top priority. Every serviced booked through Shugrem is covered by our Shugrem Guarantee.
SPECIAL OFFER AVAILABLE FOR THE STRETCH PAWS TIME SERVICE: The cost of the STRETCH PAWS TIME SERVICE is based on your location among other factors, so we offer a discount for neighbors who share this service. You can share the service with a neighbor leaving nearby and you and your neighbor will each save on the cost of the service. For example, you could share the service with your next dog neighbor and your dogs can enjoy a nice walk together and since the attendant needs to make only one trip you both save.
Please contact us for a quote and other details about these services via email at shugremgrooming@gmail.com or by calling us at (281) 372-6944.