Summer is here
Summer is upon us and SHUGREM Grooming, Pet Inn & Day Care would like to share a few tips to keep your pet happy and healthy.
It’s summer again! Family, friends, barbecues, parks, pools and a lot of other activities are planned and of course our four legged friends love summer as well, but they won’t enjoy it much if they get an upset stomach due to a delicious human meal or an unattended alcoholic beverage, have an accident or are left unattended in a hot vehicle or even worse if they get infested with fleas.
Don't leave your pet in a hot car
Even with the windows cracked-the temperature inside a vehicle can rapidly rise 0 degrees every 60 seconds. If your dog goes outside make sure there is adequate shade and plenty of water available while he is outside. Seek veterinary attention if your dog is exhibiting signs of heat stroke. Be extra vigilant with brachycephalic dogs, (breeds such as pugs, English Bulldogs, and Japanese Chin) as these dogs have a different upper respiratory anatomy and can encounter breathing problems faster than longer muzzled dogs.
Signs that your dog may be having heat stroke: Excessive panting - Tongue appears to extend from the mouth much longer than usual during panting – Collapse - High fever, (a normal temperature in a dog ranges from 99.9 to 102.5) - Low response or no response to verbal commands - Excessive drooling - Rapid heart rate – Seizures – Muscle tremors.
Fight fleas
To prevent a flea infestation on your pet frequently vacuum the areas your pet is around, especially carpeted areas in your home, any furniture that is frequented by your pet, and in your car (if your pet rides in your car). This will clean up as many immature fleas (eggs, larvae and pupae) as possible. Regularly bath and groom your pet, a short hair (summer cut) is recommended. Fleas love long and matted hair, don’t allow them to find a home sweet home on your pet. Wash your pet's bedding, blanket and other washable items in the hottest water possible. Keep your yard neat. Mow your lawn and rake up any leaves, brush or clippings
Garden Dangers
Many pets chew on plants in the yard and garden. Fortunately for dogs, who seem to enjoy eating grass and then vomiting, most grasses are non-toxic. Most garden and food producing plants are non-toxic to pets, and only result in mild gastrointestinal upset when ingested. That said, here are a few common summer plants that can cause concerns when eaten by pets: Tomato plants, Rhubarb, poinsettias, Easter lily , Tulips (bulbs), Lily of the valley, Oleander, Kalanchoe and Azaleas. Some fertilizers and herbicides ingredients and pesticide additives pose additional concerns and can result in significant health concerns for your pet if ingested. Most grass seed and mulch products are generally not associated with toxic problems in pets.
Summer is a great time to enjoy gatherings with friends and family. During these gatherings we may have new people and foods around that may be toxic to our pets. Keep in mind that some fruits like grapes can cause risk of acute renal failure when ingested by our furry friends. Also keep in mind that fruits that contain pits or seeds can also pose risk of toxicity. While it often takes large quantities of the seeds to cause toxicity concern they also pose a risk for foreign body obstruction. Make sure you check out a more detailed list of toxic foods on THE PET POISON HELPLINE WEBSITE